Young entrepreneurs flock to Denver for a variety of reasons. Despite common perceptions of cold and snow, the city offers over 300 sunny days per ...

With 16.9 million visitors coming to San Francisco and spending more than $9 billion in 2013 (the most recent full year of statist...

A list of the 10 richest women in the United States contains several household names, as well as some women relatively unknown to the general publi...

Anyone approaching retirement is faced with many decisions. One of them is where to live. While most Americans remain in the U.S. after they retire...

There are three major, nationally recognized consumer credit reporting agencies. They all collect information about consumers, calculate credit rat...

Janet Yellen is the first female chairwoman of the Federal Reserve and serves as the most influential economist in the United States. Yellen's hist...

Among the messy tasks that must be undertaken in a divorce, sorting out life insurance is one that often gets overlooked and neglected. In the mids...

The reverse mortgage is more carefully regulated by the government than other forms of loans – and for good reason: It has its own perils and pit...

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